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Fast Track

Student growth is a measure of success at GES 3-5. But inevitably, and for various reasons, some children fall behind. 

The Green Top’s Fast Track program helps such students recover up to two academic school years in one. Research shows that retention leads to a significant increase in the likelihood of students dropping out of school. This program provides a pathway of opportunity to those children who have gotten off track along the way.

ELA instructor Carledia Russell, math instructor Stacy Henson, inclusion teacher Melissa Whitehead, and assistant Shay Hardiman work with the Fast Track program’s 32 students. 

The Fast Track teachers point out that not everyone gets a second chance, and many of their students recognize this and work hard to succeed. The smaller classroom size and one-on-one attention often brings these children out of their shell, but the teachers say the key is fostering an environment of acceptance, tolerance, encouragement.

Behavioral struggles are often at the root of academic setbacks. “What I’ve discovered with this program,” says Ms. Russell, “is there are so many intelligent children who may be struggling with behavior. This doesn’t mean that the child is not capable.”

In addition to pushing and encouraging students, the Fast Track teachers work with parents as well and keep them updated on their child’s progress. These women are not giving up on your child!

Contact: Carie Housel

GES 4-5 Fast Track Teachers
Fast Track teachers (l. to r.) Carledia Russell, Stacy Henson, and Melissa Whitehead.